About Anne Kleinberg
The Early Years to her 30’s
Anne Kleinberg’s life journey has zig zagged geographically and professionally.
Born in Queens, New York to a cantor father and teacher mother, she attended public school and graduated from the City University of New York with a degree in psychology (like many baby boomers – liberal arts seemed the way to go). She attended Tel Aviv University for her junior year, which created an obsession with Israel. A decision to further her education and study interior design earned her a degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology.
Following graduation, Anne was employed by an architectural firm specializing in commercial and medical facilities. She eventually opened her own company – ARK 1 Design. She was living the good life on Central Park West, driving a sports car and even had a parking spot (!) And then it happened – the epiphany. She moved to Israel!
Moving to Israel and Becoming an Author
With a Shih Tzu under one arm and a drafting table under the other, she left the comfort of The Upper West for the wilds of the Middle East. Hello Tel Aviv. The design career segued into journalism, a lifestyle & food column, and then cookbooks. She gained her 15 minutes of fame for Pomegranates (Ten Speed Press) when it got a fabulous review from Florence Fabricant in the New York Times.
In 2011, Anne wrote a novel which she proudly self-published (and added an “e” to Ann). Menopause in Manhattan is about a 50-year-old woman who seemingly has everything in life, until she discovers she hasn’t. The book is about making changes in your life, moving on, taking risks. It’s a feel-good story that will encourage women to get on with it. Anne’s biggest delight came when internationally renown pop artist Charles Fazzino agreed to design the cover. With both print and on-line electronic versions available, more than 10,000 copies have been sold.
Building & Expanding a Business
Meanwhile, Anne had married and built a home on the golf course (Israel’s only) in Caesarea. In 2012 she fulfilled another dream by trying her hand at running a Bed & Breakfast in her home. Success! Rated by TripAdvisor as “The Best B&B in Israel & The Middle East”, Anne was thrilled by the wonderful reviews flowing in for Casa Caesarea – her little oasis on the green.
A new concept was born when Anne decided to focus on the bridal market, offering something very special to brides on their big day. Casa Cala has been a huge success and Anne is considering expansion into other locations.
Along the way, Anne has appeared in and moderated conferences in Israel, Spain & Denmark, hosted international women’s groups in her home and lectured on a variety of topics (eg: career transitioning, Jewish holiday food, self-publishing, home styling). She’s had some incredible moments in her life: the honor of meeting Julia Child & Jacques Pepin at an IACP conference and dining with Hillary Clinton in Jerusalem, to name just two.
Anne maintains a positive view of life and has never lost her slightly sarcastic, New York edge. If you’d like to talk to her, have her speak to a group or ask her a question – feel free to contact her here.